Requesting a variance to the Land Use Book or a zone change requires the same process.
- The petitioner/property owner will submit a letter to the City requesting the change they desire to be made.
- A copy of the deed proving ownership, a copy of site plans, layout of land, building plans, and a list of property owners within 300 feet of their property (This list must come from De Queen Abstract office) must all be provided.
- A fee of $500 (plus any overcharges for publication fees, payable prior to meeting date) is charged upon request of the change. This covers publication fees and postage incurred to host the Public Hearing. This fee is the same for variance and zone change requests.
- The Clerk’s office will draft a Public Hearing notice, publish it twice in the local paper, and mail the notice to all property owners in the 300’ area. A time and date will be set with the Planning Commission to hold a Public Hearing to discuss the proposed change.
For variance requests, no Ordinance is needed, and the Planning Commission's ruling is final.
For a zone change, the Planning Commission sends their recommendation to the City Council and an Ordinance will be passed and adopted if the Council is in agreement with the Planning Commission. Once the Ordinance goes into effect, the change is permanent.
This process usually takes 6 weeks to 2 months to complete.
The Land Use & Development Book is available at the button at the top of this page. The City of De Queen is currently working to provide this manual in Spanish and Marshallese to accommodate our residents' language needs.